"Project" K (Anime)
Studio: GoHands
Adapted From: Manga
Genre: action, comedy, drama, fantasy, science fiction
Plot Summary: Ashinaka High School is known for its unique setting: the entire campus is built on an island. Yashiro Isana, aka Shiro, is having lunch with a cat on one of the school rooftops. After his lunch break, Shiro goes on an errand for his classmate Kukuri to prepare for their upcoming school festival, only to be chased by some intimidating-looking men.
My Review: I put this anime like on hold for awhile before i even got into watching it during the start. A couple of things: 1. i am glad i kept it on hold 2. i wasn't to keen on this anime at first but it did spark an interest. However did not read the manga, but its being picked up again so i might check it out.
Art Style and Visual Effects:
The anime's art style doesn't seem to be bad. I didn't expect this anime to get somewhat fanservice for their main female character "Neko" at least that's her claimed name for the time.
Its pretty funny if you check ANN's info about "K(Tv) you can out their themes fit almost every single category and explains majority of their art style for this anime
Themes: bishounen, catgirl, clans, fanservice, futuristic school, superpowers
Their visual effects on their "Superpower" for visual effects usually are like auras sometimes able to destroy stuff. In episode 2 you see alot of visual effects when it comes to "Neko's" illusions which were funny. There isn't much visual effects in the first couple of episodes but i do expect more in the upcoming ones.
Rating: 8.5/10
Story Setting:
The story seems off for me to grasp the idea what this anime and manga plot is. Even with ANN or wiki with a vague description of the plot....i still have no idea what the plot is really. I can only grasp that the plot involves:
"The Color Kings: Red,Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and i guess White" The White King (Colorless King) is depicted as the seventh king (ref to episode 2-3) to have killed someone who recorded his own death. Yashiro Isana, aka Shiro has lunch one day on the roof having a sense of trouble while taking a nap. He was later sent to get things for his classmate Kukuri to shop. He gets attack from HOMRA men.... he then gets saved by chance by a man with a sword but learns that he is going to be killed cause he looks similar to someone. Eventually Shiro escapes using made up story to get away and make it back to his dorm. After being lost in thought a mysterious girl appears in his bed next to him who names herself "Neko"
I would probably sum up the plot to that point...though it doesn't mean i know the whole story. The story pretty much starts confusing like most animes do. They show a "somewhat" action scene before heading towards the main story. Anyways ep 1 i found it blah until the somewhat end until it cuts off heading towards episode 2 with a cliffhanger. Ep 2 was pretty much had good comedy relief especially when it comes to "Neko's" Illusions and the mystery behind what she really is...
You can ignore the subtitles below the screenshot. Just wanted to a show one of the funny scenes for the episode. Really unexpected comedy.
The following episodes are pretty much more comedy until it eventually comes to a point of the truth at the end of episode 4.
The story settings is really hard to depict but mainly you have to think about the keyword "Kings" i guess
Rating: 8/10
Voice Acting / Music:
Daisuke Namikawa as
Daisuke Ono as
Jun Fukuyama as
Kenjiro Tsuda as
Mamoru Miyano as
Mikako Komatsu as
Miyuki Sawashiro as
Satomi Satou as
Takahiro Sakurai as
Tomokazu Sugita as
Yui Horie as
Yūichi Nakamura as
Yuuki Kaji as
Eh, now that i think about it..... I was way into the comedy of the anime i didn't realize the voices for this anime....pretty interesting comboination i am seeing though.
Opening Theme:
"KINGS" by Angela
Ending Theme:
"Tsumetai Hiya, Hitori" (冷たい部屋、一人) by Mikako Komatsu
Insert song:
"Itsuka no Zero Kara" (いつかのゼロから) by Angela (ep 2)
The music in this anime aren't that bad. It goes me curious how the battle music will sound on the upcoming episodes. The music is roundabout has some hip-hop/jazz like tune so its not bad at all.
Rating: 9/10
Game/Manga/Light Novel:
I didn't start on the manga yet to be honest but by the looks its called "K - Memory of Red" this is more like prologue before the anime begins. Only 5 chapters have been translated and its kinda slow
This is pretty much spoilers but you could avoid not looking at it....somehow...
The main point about showing this is the brief summary below that shows a vague description of the characters.
Rating: 8/10
Personal Opinion:
I should just get to the point rather then state the same thing i always say in new animes i watch the first time. When this was first mention i didn't know what this was due to lack of information finding what the heck it was called besides "K". Until they announced and showed promos what the anime is: which has bishounen guys with swords, a neko type girl, super natural aura powers, and clan (gangs). Didn't like at first cause had to many guy characters and pretty much if you look up images or check blog sites.... this would be listed having yaoi involved.... i already seen a couple while looking for decent images for this review.....
Without thinking about the yaoi...*ahem* This seems like an anime worth the time to watch being action with some decent scenes, drama..... some twist with involving "kings", comedy which you'll see alot, fantasy.... already beyond expectation....neko, sci-fi.... advance tech.... even robots that can clean without you lifting a finger!?
Rating: 9.5/10
Overall Rating: 9/10
Now who can pull off that trick?
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